Cool172   6/25/24 16:50
mouth watering bass
Mr. Magicman 2/15/23 20:07
thank you :)) <3
Mr. Magicman 2/15/23 20:07
the delay is part of the fun!!
Cool172   12/25/22 10:02
just got new headphones, your songs are mixed really well! especially this one
Cool172   12/17/22 15:00
but for harpsichord's sake shift all its notes 1/16 to the left
Cool172   12/17/22 14:59
love that harpsichord
Cool172   12/17/22 14:58
Mr. Magicman 5/20/22 22:56
you know me, i love me some good honkers ;)
Cool172   5/18/22 13:02
gets quite vibey
Cool172   5/18/22 13:01
that's a lot of honk lol
Mr. Magicman 4/8/22 8:20
i do that a lot lol. sometimes i want more drum sounds and realize im out LOL
Verti 4/6/22 6:42
Just realised you utilised every single drumkit for this, nice.
Mr. Magicman 3/15/22 20:44
fox 3/15/22 20:28
Verti 3/7/22 20:05
yes, this
Mr. Magicman 3/6/22 17:39
bentoonie 3/6/22 10:00
song to get launched into the sun to
Benvisions 3/5/22 11:01
Mr. Magicman 3/5/22 10:43
thanks! yeah its a fonky one
KannaKandy 3/5/22 0:20
this sounds like something in a comedy or something lel
KannaKandy 3/5/22 0:20
"groovy" i hate myself
KannaKandy 3/5/22 0:20
goofy! pretty groovy too
Mr. Magicman 3/4/22 18:45
i'm glad you like it! :))
charamelle 3/4/22 16:40
the beginning sure is goofy but after that i cant stop replaying it HHHHHHHHHHHHH