Mr. Magicman 3/9/25 18:03
part of me wants to delete this horrendous comment but another part of me wants to leave it here as a mark of shame for your older self to find.
dirtyponyxyz 1/27/25 17:21
/e springtrap noise (roblox fisch)
judgeroy205 3/23/22 18:59
more accurate than the actual song itself
Mr. Magicman 3/15/22 8:59
Syntax 3/14/22 11:54
Mr. Magicman 3/7/22 19:13 yeah i uploaded it myself so i could listen to it because it kept getting removed everywhere
Verti 3/7/22 19:12
SequencerStolem 3/6/22 21:52
It was removed. ._.
SequencerStolem 3/6/22 21:51
This is why only fools are heros. Because in this world, you either DRIP or DROWN Spiderman!
Mr. Magicman 1/6/22 13:57
thanks :))
________ 1/6/22 13:46
2048TilesFan35 1/6/22 13:44
wow that feels like a song that has some nice beats to it
Mr. Magicman 1/6/22 13:29
have you heard the song tho
Mr. Magicman 1/6/22 13:17
bass: calmed
eepic 1/6/22 13:08
sounds nice but calm down with the bass
eepic 1/6/22 13:08
big bass
Verti 1/6/22 13:07
b a s s